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The Legal 500: Pharmaceutical Advertising Comparative Guide 2022

The latest edition of the Legal 500: Pharmaceutical Advertising Comparative Guide is now online. The aim of this guide is to provide its readers with a pragmatic overview of the law and practice of pharmaceutical advertising law across a variety of jurisdictions.

Each chapter of the Pharmaceutical Advertising Comparative Guide provides information about the current issues affecting pharmaceutical advertising in a particular country and addresses topics such as self-regulation, press releases, gifts, samples, grants or donations, anti-bribery rules, regulatory authorities and courts, as well as insight and opinion on the most common issues in their respective country.

The Q&A template for each chapter has been provided by Sally Shorthose.

Read our overview of Pharmaceutical Advertising laws and regulations applicable in:

Read the French chapter here
Read the German chapter here
Read the UK chapter here


advertising, healthcare, life sciences, pharmaceuticals, regulatory, biotech