7/30/2024 2:33:34 PM New UK government’s plans for life sciences: the people and policies explained By Sally Shorthose Heidi Hurdle Charlotte Getz The UK life sciences industry takes centre-stage in two of the new Labour government’s “Five Missions For National Renewal”: economic...
7/30/2024 11:47:36 AM New Draft Cybersecurity Act in the Netherlands: What you need to know By Wilfred Steenbruggen Puck van den Bosch In May 2024, the Dutch government published the draft bill for the new Cybersecurity Act (Cyberbeveiligingswet – “CSA”) for consultation...
7/15/2024 2:55:00 PM EU Parliament Adopts Position on Pharmaceutical Reform: Focus on Regulatory Data and Market Protection Rules By Benedicte Mourisse Marc Martens This article is part of our series covering the proposed reforms to the EU pharmaceutical legislation. To view the entire series, click...
7/11/2024 2:58:00 PM EU Pharmaceutical Law Revision: Re-Boxing Set to Become the New Normal for Parallel Imports? By Christian Lindenthal, LL.M. Annelie Säurig In April 2024, the European Parliament voted to adopt a revised version of a new Pharma Directive, part of the European Commission’s...
7/9/2024 3:27:00 PM EU Parliament Adopts Position on Pharmaceutical Reform By Benedicte Mourisse Marc Martens On 10 April 2024, the European Parliament adopted its position at first reading on two European Commission proposals to revise the EU’s...