9/28/2023 9:59:00 AM Circular economy: what impact for healthcare players? By Alexandre Vuchot Johanna Harelimana Nour Saab Environmental awareness and the desire to limit or eliminate the impact of human activities on the environment have led to real political...
9/27/2023 12:44:00 PM Public Procurement for Biological Medicines in Belgium By Lora Arifagic Marc Martens Introduction The Royal Decree of September 13, 2023 (‘RD’), implementing Article 71bis, § 1, of the Belgian Act on Compulsory Health Care...
9/14/2023 3:06:00 PM EMA’s envisaged risk-based and human-centric approach to regulate AI By Hester Borgers Christian Lindenthal, LL.M. Dr. Nils Lölfing Bird & Bird’s international life sciences and healthcare team is at the forefront of the legal developments with regard to AI and the...